Gardening Tasks To Do in August

Garden-fresh food on every plate! August’s garden bounty is upon us with corn, beans, and tomatoes. Here are reminders and recommendations for your garden in late summer. These are some of the things we’re working on this month. (Pssst…if you’re not having an abundant season, don’t feel bad. I’ve been there…check out ##4 below for…

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Four Ways a Fall Garden Can Give You a Fresh Start

It was summer, and we felt like failures. The tomatoes were blighted, the beans were riddled by beetles, the cabbage split, and the pumpkins were hidden in a jungle of weeds. Our garden was NOT a place of beauty or serenity. One of us had a newborn baby and the other had a hernia. And…

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Three Quick and Easy Tomato Dishes for Summertime

Between work and kids and life in general, it can be hard to make time for gardening. You have to sneak it in the edges. My favorite time to get a few minutes in the garden is just before dusk. A little weeding and mulching. And of course, picking the fruits and veggies that are…

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5 Facts to Help You Grow the Best Tomatoes Yet


As Lewis Grizzard said, “It’s difficult to think anything but pleasant thoughts while eating a homegrown tomato.” If you’re aiming to grow your own tomatoes this year, here are five facts about botany, pollinators, and pests you can put to use in your own garden to increase your harvest of homegrown tomatoes. Now that the…

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Choosing the Best Location for Your Garden

Mapping our site

Your garden’s location is key to your success or failure with growing fruits and vegetables. In this video, I walk you through a simple exercise to evaluate your yard to determine the “ideal” spot for your veggie garden. This exercise is especially good for new gardeners, but is also handy for not-so-new gardeners looking to…

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Edible Perennials for Spring

They are the happy little ones that greet you early each spring. They make gardening easier and easier each year. And they can be delicious. I love perennials, especially edible perennials! In the videos below, I profile some of the best edible perennials you can add to your garden for lovely growth and delicious eating…

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A Gift from Above: 8 Ways To Use Fall Leaves

Fall is here and so are the leaves. Fall leaves in the yard can be a nuisance—something you have to clean off your yard so the grass doesn’t die. Bag ’em up and drag ’em to the curb. What a pain! At least, I used to think that way. 

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Gardening Tasks To Do in October

Celebrating fall with pumpkins and compost!

We’ve stopped stop eating breakfast outside. After a summer of eating almost every meal outdoors, mornings are a little too cool for pajamas and bare feet. But once we put on jackets and shoes, these cool October days feel perfect for working and playing in the garden. Nature is getting ready for winter as monarchs migrate, plants…

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