The Happy Garden Guide to Composting

Reduce Waste

Save Money

Grow Your Best Garden Yet

When you don’t have a good system to compost your yard and kitchen waste...

You have stinky garbage that attracts pests

Your soil is never as healthy as it could be

You waste time and money purchasing bags of compost and fertilizer

Your organic waste rots in a landfill releasing greenhouse gases

You dump valuable resources that could be high-quality nutrients for your plants

You miss out on the satisfaction of watching an incredible transformation

You shouldn't have to feel rotten about organic waste. With The Happy Garden Guide to Composting digital book and video tutorials, you'll learn how to implement a composting system that works for your home and lifestyle.

And when you do, you'll start turning your "trash" into nutrient-rich compost so you can grow your best garden yet.

Who is this for?

  • Gardeners who want healthy soil... and don’t want to buy expensive compost
  • People who hate stinky garbage cans
  • Homeowners fed up by hauling leaves to the curb every fall
  • Cooks who want to stop tossing kitchen scraps
  • Moms and dads tired of "toddler leftovers"
  • Families who want to enjoy more time outside

How It Works


1. Get access to the digital book and video tutorials through our community platform.

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2. Learn a step-by-step framework to make composting simple and easy to implement.

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3. Enjoy the fruits of your labor – rich compost, fertile soil, and healthy plants!

Meet Your Guide

Amy Landers

Co-founder of Gardens That Matter

Amy has been composting organic waste since the 1990s. It all started with an 8th grade science fair project: The Backyard Breakdown. Just look at those green and brown layers!

The experiment has continued informally ever since.


Amy has tested many methods and helped more than 133,000 people get started with a simple system for composting.

Today, Amy and her husband, Colby, host classes and an online community where gardeners come together to share experiences, build skills, and learn about composting and sustainable gardening.

High-quality compost is expensive to buy.

Your first bin could yield about 9 cubic feet of compost. Buying that much high-quality compost by the bag could cost upwards of $135. When you make it yourself, it's almost free. Let's start composting!


What’s do I get with the guide?

  • A digital book with 100 pages of action steps, colorful photography, and fun infographics so composting is easy to understand and practice
  • Delivered as a searchable PDF for easy reading on a computer, tablet, or phone
  • Bonus composting resources, including 25+ on-demand videos and printables
  • Access to our ad-free online community for support

What Customers Are Saying


Incredible Wealth of Information

"There is an incredible wealth of information presented in a very accessible way. This book would be great for anyone just starting out in gardening and composting, but also contains useful information for people with more experience. I also love the resources that Amy includes."

- Valeria, who is a gardener and
composter of 40+ years
Atlanta, Georgia


Would Definitely Recommend

"I like how the quick start overview provides the essential information and leaves it up to the reader to delve deeper, or not! I would definitely recommend this book to others either as a beginner's tool or as a library resource for a more experienced gardener."

- Richard, who grows in a community garden
for the freshest and best-tasting food
South Jordan, Utah


Really Explained It Well!

I'm a visual person and I loved the way it included pictures. Showing us what the bugs look like was great! I also liked the charts and the section on what to compost and what not to compost. It's so confusing at times knowing what to do. This book really explained it well!

- Pat, who gardens and composts with her family
Charlotte, North Carolina


Inspired to Improve

The infographics are AWESOME! I also liked the quick start section. Sometimes when you're excited about something you want to START NOW, so this is great feature. The book was motivating to me and inspired me to take our own composting system up a notch!

- Amylee, who gardens, cooks, blogs, and more
Albuquerque, New Mexico

Equity & Access

We want membership to be affordable to anyone who shares a passion for gardening, desire to learn, and willingness to help others. We especially want to support gardeners who are Black, Indigenous, people of color, LGBTQ+, and others who have been marginalized because of their background, identity, or beliefs.

That's why we offer work-trade and sponsored memberships. If you'd benefit from support or you'd like to be a sponsor, let's chat. No stressful application. Simply email or book a call at and we'll get it set up.

We strive to be a generous and sustainable business that benefits our workers, our planet, and customers like you!

Good-As-Black-Gold Guarantee

Try Gardens That Matter...100% RISK FREE.

The Happy Garden Guide to Composting comes with our 30-day unconditional money-back guarantee. We promise to show you how to transform your kitchen and yard "trash" into treasure for your garden. We are confident our guide and videos can help you create healthy soil and a happy garden.

In fact, if you aren't satisfied, you can simply send me an email ( requesting a refund, and I'll make arrangements immediately.

The best part is this: If you think this membership will help you in your gardening journey, you should join today.

Because you can explore the community and attend the meetups and trainings...and see if it's right for you. No guess work needed. Use the material, get to know the group, attend the classes, and see for yourself.

I want you to be thrilled with your membership. That's why I'm happy to offer this risk-free guarantee.