Meet Amy
Hi, I’m Amy. I’m the nature nerd in the family. I majored in biology in college, and I’ve haven’t stopped learning about nature yet. Yes, I geek out over plant identification, animal scat and the occasional biochem reaction.
I can’t even tell you how proud I was when my then 3 year old correctly identified a maple tree. Turns out, he called all leafy trees “maple” (and all needley ones “pine”), but it wasn’t a bad start.
One of the first plants I learned to name was the morning glory. I have fond memories of working in the garden with my sister, brother, dad and grandma. Homemade vegetable soup, sliced tomatoes and canned green beans were staples at our dinner table. I still love eating soup from the garden.
My enthusiasm for nature definitely has roots in a childhood spent outdoors. I was also never far from whichever book I was reading. Still true today. If nature writers had fan clubs, I’d be a card-carrying member of dozens. I’m excited to introduce you to some of my favorite scientists and authors.
I’ve been talking and teaching about plants and animals for more than 20 years. Ten of them were spent in New Mexico at the ABQ BioPark, an incredible place to experience nature.

Teaching about heirloom seeds and heritage breeds at the ABQ BioPark’s Rio Grande Heritage Farm. (Photo credit: Jon Stewart)
My favorite stories of all are the ones I’m living with Colby and our three boys. I wouldn’t trade being a mom for the world, even when the boys are fighting, the 7 year old is loudly protesting the food-stays-in-the-kitchen rule, and the 5 year old is practicing siren noises. I might have to leave the room for a moment, but I’ll always be back. My hands and my heart are full.