Meet Colby
Meet my husband, Colby. He is the the weirdo artist of the family.
He designed and built sets for stage and screen for 20 years before becoming a farmer. All that experience in carpentry, welding, painting and even sewing comes in handy on the farm.

Colby spent many hours designing for the stage at Albuquerque Little Theatre. (Photo credit: Marla Brose)
Although he has less experience with plants, Colby brings a unique creative perspective to our endeavor. He is passionate about design, artistic expression, and sound craftsmanship. When Colby builds something, he builds it to last.
He’s the measured consideration to my “Sure, why not?” approach to life. It’s a good balance.
He is an amazing husband and dad. His patience seems limitless, his example is solid, and his cooking is delicious. The boys prefer his singing to mine, although you’ll almost never hear it. They love to put on their boots to help him with the chickens or garden.
Colby is from West Texas and lived in New Mexico (where we met) for over a decade. Although he appreciates the green of the Appalachian Mountains, he longs for the sunny Southwest when we get rain for a week straight. We’re working on making more dry spaces for him…a greenhouse is on the wish list.
Colby has his geeky moments, too. Just ask him about tennis, tools, transcendental poets, color palettes or John Denver. Sunshine on his shoulders and a good tool in his hand make him happy!
P.S. He also created awesome haunted houses when in NM. I mention that solely so that I can include this picture. 🙂