Registration is closed.

But don't worry – we'll open again soon. Until then, get our latest planning resource...for FREE!


We have limited enrollment periods so that we can focus on serving our community and helping students get results in their gardens.

Join the waitlist and be the first to know when registration opens!


    Plus, you'll get my FREE Planting Planner.

    This fully customizable spreadsheet helps you figure out planting dates for your favorite veggies and flowers based on your local last frost date.

    "What an incredibly helpful tool. Great job!"
    - Chris D.

    Hi! I'm Amy.

    When you're learning to garden, how do you figure out what to do when? And how to deal with the challenges of weather, weeds, and caterpillars hungry for your tomatoes and kale?  🐛

    Here at Gardens That Matter, we bring together gardeners to develop skills, knowledge, and confidence. Together, we can each successfully grow more food and flowers, enjoy a deeper connection with nature, and live more sustainably.

    Join the waitlist and be the first to know when enrollment opens again.

    I'd love for you to join us!

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