Ever Picked Watermelon Too Soon? Here is a Pretty Solution.

If you’ve ever felt the disappointment of cutting into an unripe watermelon, you’ll appreciate the brilliant recommendation our friend Hana gave us recently: Golden Midget Watermelon.

She gave us one of the beautiful yellow fruits. It like a squash from the outside…

…and it’s 100% watermelon inside!

​We enjoyed the watermelon as part of our breakfast today and it tastes as good as it looks! 

Full of flavor and not overly sweet. The boys practiced their seed spitting skills. ​

As the mom of a 3yo who loves to help her in the garden, Hana knows that disappointment of unripe watermelons picked by enthusiastic little hands.

She planted this variety because the fruit changes from green to yellow when the watermelon is ripe. The small size make it easy for kids to help harvest and means you don’t have much excess after your meal or snack.

Thanks for your suggestion, Hana! This one is definitely on my list to grow next summer.

Want to add golden midget watermelons to your garden? Here are a few seed sources to consider:

Now, I’d love to hear from you. In the comments below, tell us about about your favorite watermelon varieties and any tips you have for growing and picking the ripest ones!